
C44 GuardianTM

Lifecycle Management of Geological Sequestration and Underground CO2 Storage Sites

At Carbon Guardian, our mission is to make a significant and positive contribution to a Net-Zero carbon emissions future, recognizing the urgency of addressing climate change. We are committed to accelerating the reduction of carbon footprints in the industrial sector, guided by a robust technological and regulatory framework. Our focus is on promoting the health, safety, and well-being of society as we navigate this critical transition.

While the regulatory framework is still evolving, we embrace the advancements in carbon sequestration technologies, which play a vital role in mitigating carbon emissions. Our comprehensive technology platform is dedicated to enabling successful geological carbon sequestration projects. We specialize in reservoir characterization and surveillance of CO2 storage sites ensuring safe, efficient, and permanent storage in conformance with regulatory requirements


To instill public confidence in underground storage of CO2, continuous and auditable surveillance is essential. C44 GuardianTM is an independent and trusted solution that provides reliable measurement, monitoring, and verification of CO2 storage over the long term. Our solution aligns with the project scope, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the storage process.


CO2 storage projects have varying surveillance and reporting requirements throughout their lifecycle. C44 GuardianTM delivers actionable insights through interactive dashboards, smart alerts, integrated workflows, and comprehensive reporting. These tools enable project operators to ensure and demonstrate conformance of injection results with permits and regulatory requirements.


We understand the inherent risks associated with underground storage of CO2. C44 GuardianTM helps identify, mitigate, and contain such risks, including potential leakage from storage reservoirs, well integrity failure, corrosion, and induced seismicity. Our solution incorporates advanced risk assessment methodologies and techniques to maintain the integrity of the storage system.

Technology Platform


C44 GuardianTM technology platform is designed to provide seamless and efficient aggregation, hi-res visualization, and monitoring of data from surface and sub-surface measurements during pre-injection, injection, closure, and post-closure phases of CO2 underground storage projects. Our Measurement, Monitoring, and Verification (MMV) system provides the operators the means to monitor all essential components of a storage project.

Vendor Agnostic

C44 GuardianTM embraces a vendor-agnostic approach to leverage the benefits of flexibility, integration, scalability, and agility. Our API framework provides the interoperability to facilitate seamless data exchange to-and-fro customer’s IT ecosystem.

Flexible and Customizable

There are no one-size-fits-all solutions when it comes to carbon storage. The monitoring approach must be customized to the risks and uncertainties of specific storage sites. C44 GuardianTM offers the flexibility and scalability to support the customer needs.

Cost Effective

C44 GuardianTM offers a cost-efficient and flexible business model for different phases of the project. With minimal third-party software licensing cost and efficient cloud data architecture, we can deliver the cost benefits to improve the project viability.

CO2 is injected for storage into depleted oil and gas reservoirs or into saline aquifers. Understanding structure and physical properties of the reservoir formations is essential for planning, monitoring and securely storing CO2.

C44 GuardianTM combines the visualization of reservoir structure and properties with monitoring results such as plume position or the occurrence of induced seismic events. It is focused on the essential information required for monitoring and securely storing CO2 in the underground.

The injected CO2 forms a plume in the reservoir formation originating from the injection well. Monitoring the plume position, shape and evolution over time are essential for judging the containment of the injected fluid and the conformity with predictions.

C44 GuardianTM combines pre-injection modeling and simulation results with interpreted monitoring data from a variety of geophysical methods such as 3D seismic, VSP, and gravimetric surveys. Its functionality is tailored to the monitoring of the CO2 plume in the reservoir over extended time periods.

Integrity of the top seal of the reservoir is essential to avoid leakage of CO2 into the overburden and eventually to shallow formations and the surface.

C44 GuardianTM integrates structural information, especially position and geometry of faults, with the stress and pore pressure information and with the data from monitoring systems such as well and surface based seismic monitoring. It also provides the operator with the tools to maintain injection pressures at a safe limit below the fracture pressure of the top seal formation.

Geophysical methods and geochemical sampling in shallow formations, in the ground water, or at the surface can provide indication for eventual leakage of CO2 from the storage formation and migration towards the surface. C44 GuardianTM aggregates near-surface and surface data, combines the data with pre-injection data as well as data from deeper measurements in a comprehensive overview to the CCS storage operator. It provides all the digital tools to ensure containment of the injected CO2 at all times.

Wells can be locations for sampling of physical parameters, but they can also be pathways for leakage of CO2 from the reservoir layer if well integrity is compromised. C44 GuardianTM handles data measured at discrete depths in the well, data measured by fiberoptical cables in a continuous manner along the well trajectory or data gathered at the wellhead. Interpreting and analyzing these measurements it provides information about the reservoir and the position of CO2 in it. But importantly it also allows to continuously monitor the integrity of the well and eventual leakage of CO2 along the well.

Injection of CO2 in underground rock formations may trigger seismic events on pre-existing faults in the reservoir formation or in other formations that are reached by the pressure changes caused by the injection. Stress and pore pressure state, as well as the existence, position and orientation of faults has to be understood as much as possible to define an injection strategy that minimizes the risk for inducing micro-seismic events.

Before injection commences the naturally occurring seismicity in the area should be determined as a baseline against which future seismicity can be compared.

C44 GuardianTM provides all the tools to monitor the occurrence of seismic events 24/7 from surface networks, downhole instruments or fiberoptics. It automatically detects and localizes seismic events and displays all the information to the operator.


Reservoir Modeling
and Simulation

Geological modeling of the reservoir to estimate storage potential and dynamic simulations to predict plume position and geometry over time

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Measurement, Monitoring
and Verification

Active monitoring and reporting of CO2 storage, detection of leakage and plume migration, audit and regulatory reporting

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Data Engineering and
Cloud Architecture

Data aggregation from disparate sources, cloud architecture, advanced analytics and secure long-term data storage              

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Microseismic and

Seismic and geomechanical risk analysis, planning of monitoring, and passive seismic data processing and interpretation

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Carbon Tax and
Credit Accounting

Accounting and reporting of carbon offset credits in accordance with regulatory carbon pricing and cap-and-trade guidelines

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Technical Advisory
and Consulting

Feasibility assessment, site characterization,
project implementation and lifecycle assessment consulting

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Leadership Team

At Carbon Guardian, we are committed to help industries accelerate their journey to Net-Zero. Our goal is to provide a technology platform to ensure successful and secure implementation of underground CO2 storage projects. Our rich experience in oilfield services, reservoir geosciences, digital technology and remote operations has enabled us in developing industry’s first comprehensive and independent solution which can be trusted by businesses and regulators alike.

Martin Brudy

Co-Founder & CEO

Anil Wadhwa

Co-Founder & CTO



Houston (USA)  -  The Hague (Netherlands)

Email: info@carbonguardian.com